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Andrea & David (Ireland)
🌻 Wedding Photographer Tuscany - Wedding at Villa Cini Tuscany

Wedding at Villa Cini, Bucine, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy

Amazing day spent with Andrea and David, the loveliest pair!
The couple celebrated their wedding day in Villa Cini, Tuscany on a stunning spring day!
Family and friends had the time of their life toasting to the newly-weds!
Congratulations to Andrea and David!

The groom's accessories
The groom's accessories
The wedding buttonhole for David
The wedding buttonhole for David
Prosecco celebration
Prosecco celebration
Excited for the big event
Excited for the big event
It's time to put on the veil
It's time to put on the veil
Start of the ceremony
Start of the ceremony
Vows exchange
Vows exchange
Bound forever
Bound forever
Just married!
Just married!
Aperitifs area
Aperitifs area
Live music
Live music
Table setting of the day
Table setting of the day
Walking together...
Walking together...
A kiss!
A kiss!
In my man's arms...
In my man's arms...
Drone view
Drone view
Toast on the balcony
Toast on the balcony
During the dinner
During the dinner
Cake cutting
Cake cutting
Romantic first dance
Romantic first dance

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